The JAI Sports Partnership Company was founded in 2012 – (actually Saturday the 10th of November whilst beach fishing on Goolwa Beach – 10/11/12!) and has been developing totally innovative fishing and outdoor products ever since. Located in the luxurious wine and fishing gulf of South Australia, this Adelaide based firm is directed by two partners and employs outside consultants as required.
As new products are still in the development stage, we can’t indulge too much in explanations of what is in the production pipeline. (Our solicitor is quite strict about the security of our valuable Intellectual Property!)
But rest assured, you will have the urge to slap you head when you see our products begin to appear on the shelves of your local sports store and mumble those immortal words: “What a brilliant idea! I wish I’d thought of that! It’s so simple – yet functional. Hmm…“
Hopefully followed by: “I’ll have to have one and start having some fun!“